Saturday, May 3, 2014

Minimum wage should be required of all companies over a certain size.

Why not push for a minimum wage for companies and francises that employ over a certain number. I suggest 25. That way mom and pop stores can offer entry level jobs for teen agers and singles...say...but established larger companies can't then do what Walmart and McD's now does. Also...lets say a company starts up and grows to 24 employees. They can pay whatever they want to or can at that point. When it grows to 25 employees, they then have to pay minimum. Also, if this store francises itself and has another store it would have to pay minimum in the new francise(s) also. Remember, the mom and pop stores would have to compete for employees with the big outfits but it would provide more economic options everyone.

Or this could be maybe 5 instead of 25. Whatever makes sense and can be regulated and policedl.

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